Hi all! 💖

I know I have been non present lately and mostly posting reviews but weirdly, during summer, I thought I’d take a break from electronics. I’m on a computer pretty much all day, all week. I know it’s pretty bad but I’m used to studying with it, blogging with it, procrastinating with it… So I needed some time off while, in the same time, tackling all of the ARCs that I have on Netgalley. I don’t know if I’ve mentionned it before but because I’m from Morocco, I thought there were little chances I’d get approved for a book and so I requested like 30 for the hopes of getting one but well, I got nearly all of them 😂 Don’t get me wrong, I am VERY grateful of course! I just realized very lately that there was an archive date and I felt stupid. 🙃 Netgalley’s the best though, for real!

Anyway, now I’m back to studying and although my schedule is pretty hectic, this time, I have many reviews that are to be posted because I’ve been on a reading spree and not reviewing anything on here, aside from my most recent reads like Warcross. I’m still thinking about changing the theme of the blog and have some content about the TV Shows and movies I’ve been watching. (shows>>>>movies though unless it’s Disney, i’m addicted 😂)

Now about the tag! I’ve been using Goodreads non-stop these last days, both to update and add books I see in all of the Fall Recommendations posts + Spooky reads to my TBR. I don’t think I’ve ever read a “scary” book aside from Carrie by Stephen King and that was years and years ago. Gotta remedy that! If you have any recommendations, please, let me know! And so it’s because of me, visiting Goodreads every two seconds, that I thought I’d do this tag. I have not been tagged but I’m obsessed with Goodreads and so, here we goo!!

1. What was the last book you marked as ‘read’?

The Butterfly Garden which is probably the worst book I’ve read this year. I gave it two stars only because the plot was okay but the writing? The writing is horrible! There’s no other way to say it really.

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2. What are you currently reading?

Oh my…  😂 Well, you know. I wish I was the type to read just one book at a time, but I’m not. I have 18 books in my currently reading shelf on Goodreads separated into two categories: “Primary” and “Secondary” reads aka the ones I’m actually reading and the ones that I decide to read once I feel like it and they usually take months to finish. So I’m going to talk about the “Primary” category because there are some books there that I forgot were there in the first place!

  • An Enchantment of Ravens Margaret Rogerson // This was the book of the month for the Perustopia Book Club. So far, so good! I really like the writing
  • A Court of Wings and Ruin Sarah J. Maas // I nearly finished this one and I love how it’s finally picking up. I can’t say that I’ve liked this one the way I’ve liked the second book in the series but it’s still an enjoyable read!
  • Keep You Safe Melissa Hill // Nearly done with this one as well! I’m surprised at how much I’ve liked this one. My liking of this book is mostly driven by my hate for one of the main characters though. So I flew through this book to see one person fail. Yay!!
  • Burial Rites Hannah Kent // I’ve started this one before one of my classes and now I keep reading a little bit of it each time I go to class. Works as a motivation to actually go because I really like this book and I really want to read as much of it as possible. (how to use books to go early to your classes ft. a very lazy student)
  • The Female of The Species Mindy McGinnis // I have spent forever looking for this book and I’ve finally managed to get it!! Now I finally get to see why it was most people’s favourite.
  • Red Rising Pierce Brown // The last book that was recently added to this primary category. I am looking forward to reading this one because I have heard so much about it. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to finish it but we’ll try!

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "an enchantment of ravens" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "acowar" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "keep you safe"

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "burial rites" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "the female of the species" Résultat de recherche d'images pour "red rising"




3. What was the last book you marked as ‘TBR’?

The Abyss Surrounds Us Emily Skrutskie // I was going around Twitter and there was one person who was looking for books where enemies grew into lovers which seemed interesting to me because it reminded me of Pride and Prejudice. I loved Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s quarrels so, why not look for more relationships like theirs?

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "The Abyss Surrounds Us"

4. What book do you plan to read next?

If I finish all of the books mentionned above, I will be reading A Beautiful, Terrible Thing which is a memoir by Jen Waite. It’s the author’s story about how she uncovers that her whole marriage was based on lies.

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5. Do you use the star rating system?

Yes! And I shall soon make a post about it.

6. Are you doing a 2017 Reading Challenge?

No! I had made a post about why I chose not to at the beginning of 2017. I’ve set it to 1 book on my account.

7. Do you have a wishlist?

If I’ve made a wishlist, it’ll probably end up looking like my TBR on Goodreads and have like 1900+ books. I’m incorrigible!

8. What book do you plan to buy next?

The Wise Man’s Fear Patrick Rothfuss // Although I am not planning on buying it real soon because there are still renovations going on at the house and most of my books are still in boxes, I’d prefer not to add other boxes. 😭

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "The Wise Man's Fear"

9. Do you have any favorite quotes, would you like to share a few?

“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” // J.K. Rowling

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! — When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” // Jane Austen

“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” // Jane Austen

“My idea of good company…is the company of clever, well-informed people, who have a great deal of conversation; that is what I call good company.’
‘You are mistaken,’ said he gently, ‘that is not good company, that is the best.” // Jane Austen

10. Who are your favorite authors?

The ones that haven’t deceived me no matter how many books I’ve read: Jane Austen (duh!), J.K. Rowling and Brandon Sanderson.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "jane austen" Image associée Résultat de recherche d'images pour "brandon sanderson"

11. Have you joined any groups?

  • Morocco Book Club // Still brand new. I am really excited about this group because I don’t really know many readers in my community.
  • Perustopia Book Club // Hosted by Regan (@PeruseProject) and Sasha (@abookutopia). I love Regan’s fantasy reads choices and love their live shows!
  • Storytime with Squibbles // Also newly created by Joce @squibblesreads. Currently reading Stay With Me. I’ve always loved Joce’s recommendations (that’s why I’m reading Burial Rites now) on her channel and she’s always promoting diverse reads so I HAD to join the book club once I heard about it.
  • Our Shared Shelf // Emma Watson’s very famous feminist book club.
  • Austentatious Book Club // I love Jane Austen. I had to!
  • ARCs Anonymous // Well… Drowning in ARCohol is a thing!

I tag:




@My Little Book Addiction

@Literary Dust

@Nose Stuck in A Book


@Books With Morgan

If you’ve done this tag before and don’t feel like re-doing it, no pressure! Feel free to skip it.

If you don’t have a Goodreads account, I encourage you to make one. I am spending more time on it now than on any other social media, it’s a life saver! Although it is real bad if you’re trying to control your TBR 😂

Alright, that’s it for today, happy reading!



  1. Thank you for the tag I will see when I can post this bc my posts for the rest of the year are set but I think I will find somewhere to squeeze this in:) lovely answers btw!!! And OMG 18 book!?!?!? Lol I’m reading two physical and one ebook that’s all I can handle. The one physical I a secondary also. And for creepy books I say Insomnia Stephen King and The Asylum Series by Madeleine Roux

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! Oh feel free to do it whenever you see it fit, no worries! Haha, I’m quite the moody reader and so I can never decide which book I want to read and actually keep reading. So after a few chapters, I end up picking up something else and then some other book and so on 😂 I think I should blame it on my e-reader because I just can’t help it when I see all those books and beautiful (sadly digital) covers in front of me. Intersting, I haven’t heard much about these two! I’ll go check them out right away on Goodreads! lol

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